The Childcare Portal consolidates information about childcare providers in Santa Clara County. Only those providers who have chosen to have their information available publicly will be visible. Family child care home providers can change these settings by logging in to their portal account or by contacting the Santa Clara County R&R. To learn about more childcare options in your area, please contact the Childcare Resource & Referral Program at 669-212-5437 or childcarescc@sccoe.org
The SCC R&R Program provides referrals and not recommendations. We encourage parents/guardians to visit each childcare facility and make independent inquiries about the providers and programs before making a final childcare selection. As a parent, you have the right to get information about any substantiated or inconclusive complaints about a licensed program that you select for your child. That information is public and available by calling the California Community Care Licensing hotline at 1-844-538-8766 or www.ccld.dss.ca.gov/carefacilitysearch/. You may contact the same number to report a complaint or concern regarding any licensed care facility. Click here to read our referral and complaint policy.