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For many families, paying for childcare can be a financial burden. The R&R Program can refer you to programs that may assist with paying for childcare (see options below). The R&R Program does not provide financial assistance for childcare payments. 

In Santa Clara County, a number of programs exist to support families in need. Each program has its own application process and possibly a waiting list. Families should contact each program below directly to learn about application processes and how to apply for all programs that interest them. If you would like support with determining which program to contact, please contact the R&R Program at 669-212-KIDS (5437) or email

Alternative Payment Program

The California Alternative Payment Program (AP) is available for children birth through 12 years old. The AP system allows parents to choose the setting for their child from a wide array of pre-approved providers, including large and small family child care homes. 

Two agencies coordinate AP vouchers in Santa Clara County.  To find out more about qualifying for Alternative Payment Vouchers and to view income eligibility and other requirements, please contact:

  • Choices for Children at 408-297-3295 ext. 0 or visit their website.
  • Go Kids, Inc. at 831-637-9205 or visit their website.

Qualifying for an AP Program

To qualify for AP program services, families must income qualify AND demonstrate a need for childcare.

  • Income
Income Chart*
Family Size 1-2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Maximum Gross Monthly Income   $6,595   $7,472   $8,712   $10,106   $11,500   $11,761   $12,023

*State Medium Income (SMI): Effective FY 2024-25

  • Types of Need
    • Employment
    • CPS Referral
    • CalWORKs Stage 2 Referral
    • Seeking Employment
    • Homelessness/Seeking Permanent Housing
    • Educational/Vocational Training
    • Parental Incapacitation

If a family is eligible for an AP program, they must provide specific documentation before their services can begin. Some examples of the required documentation are listed below. Please note this list is for reference purposes only and does not include all the required documentation: 

  • Proof of income
  • Children’s immunization records
  • Verification of family size such as, but not limited to:
    • Birth certificates
    • Hospital certificate of live birth (with parent name, child's name, and child's birthdate)
    • CPS referrals can be used when the relationship with the child is documented in the letter
    • Court documents:
      • Foster care
      • Guardianship
      • Adoption

Waitlist process

All families applying for an AP program are placed on a waitlist. The AP program enrolls families based on the waitlist. The waitlist IS NOT prioritized on a first-come-first-served basis. Families with children identified as at risk of neglect or abuse or have an open CPS case shall have priority. All families on the waitlist are assigned a rank based on their income and family size. Families are enrolled from the waitlist in rank order, beginning with the lowest assigned rank and moving to higher ranks. The AP program enrolls families from the waitlist to certain assigned ranks based on various factors. This means families may stay on the waitlist indefinitely, regardless of when they are placed on the waitlist. For more information about waitlist processes, please contact the Alternative Payment Programs.

Subsidized Early Learning Programs 

The following programs offer subsidized care:

Alum Rock School District

Associated Students, San Jose State University California Young World Inc.
Campbell Union School District Catalyst Kids  East Side Union High School District
De Anza Community College Gilroy Unified School District Grail Family Services
Go Kids, Inc. Kidango Luther Burbank School District
Mandala Children’s House Milpitas Unified School District Moreland School District
Mountain View Whisman School District Palo Alto Unified School District San Jose Conservation Corps (operated by YWCA Silicon Valley)
SJB Child Development Centers Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) Santa Clara Unified School District
Sunnyvale Elementary School District YWCA Silicon Valley West Valley College CDC
Mission College CDC    


The following are program descriptions for the different types of subsidized early learning programs:

General Childcare and Development 

General childcare and development programs are state and federally funded programs that use centers and family child care home networks operated or administered by either public or private agencies and local educational agencies. These agencies provide child development services for children from birth through 12 years of age and older children with exceptional needs. These programs provide an educational component that is developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate for the children served. The programs also provide meals and snacks to children, parent education, referrals to health and social services for families, and staff development opportunities to employees.

California State Preschool Programs

The California State Preschool Program provides both part-day and full-day services that provide a core class curriculum that is developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate for the children served. The program also provides meals and snacks to children, parent education, referrals to health and social services for families, and staff development opportunities to employees. The program is administered through local educational agencies, colleges, community-action agencies, and private nonprofit agencies.

Head Start and Early Head Start

Head Start and Early Head Start are nationwide, federally-funded early childhood programs for low-income children ages birth to five. It is designed to provide comprehensive services in preparation for public school. Services include cognitive and language development, medical, dental, mental health, nutritional, and social services. The program places particular emphasis on parental involvement.


Other Community-Based Programs

City of San Jose Programs

Please visit the City of San Jose's Parks, Recreation, and Neighborhood Services Department website to learn more about the many programs offered for city youth.